Safety Warnings

MYHOLSTER SAFETY REMINDERS: MyHolster has been dedicated to crafting high-quality holsters for years . We've spent decades perfecting our designs to ensure the safety of your firearms on all occasions. Our commitment to precision craftsmanship has made us a trusted name in  holsters and gear.

We meticulously select raw materials, subjecting them to rigorous quality checks, and continuously explore innovative materials for our products. Our expert craftsmen then use these materials to create meticulously designed holsters and gear. Each product is carefully crafted and thoroughly tested in our production facility.

While we take every measure to enhance firearm safety, it's imperative that you also follow essential safety rules:

  1. Seek Proper Training: Handling a firearm can be dangerous without adequate training. Always receive training from an accredited safety class and instructor.

  2. Practice Regularly: Regularly practice using your firearm and holster properly. Consistent practice is highly recommended.

  3. Test the Fit: Never place a loaded gun in your holster before confirming that it fits securely.

  4. Stay Vigilant: Although our holsters are designed to be snatch-proof, exercise extreme caution in situations where someone may attempt to take your firearm.

  5. Avoid Modifications: Do not modify any MyHolster product, as this may result in an accidental discharge.

  6. Treat Every Gun as Loaded: Always treat every gun as if it were loaded.

  7. Finger Placement: When re-holstering, place your index finger on the outside of the trigger guard to prevent interference from any foreign objects or straps.

  8. Regular Inspection: It is your responsibility to regularly check your holster. If leather or nylon products become loose, worn, or defective, cease use immediately and replace them.